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OSSC June Meeting


Wednesday, June 13, 2012




OSSC Regular Meeting

Registration Info

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Cancellation Policy:
Please let the Arrangements Chair ( know as soon as possible if you need to cancel.

Payments made in advance will normally be issued a credit that may be applied to future payments (membership or events). Please contact the Treasurer ( if this posses a problem.

About this event

Join us for our annual business meeting, announcement of election results, the induction of new OSSC Fellows, and a presentation on:


Uses of Physically-Based Light-Material Interaction Models in Videogame and Feature Film Computer Graphics


Naty Hoffman, Activision, Santa Monica, CA 



6:00 Reception and networking

7:00 Dinner

8:00 Fellows Induction, Business Meeting, Presentation


Cost: $30 for dinner

OSSC Student Members Free


Location: Luminarias Restaurant

3500 Ramona Blvd, Monterey Park, CA

(323) 268-4177


Register by June 11

Download the flyer to share with friends and colleagues!              


Contact: Brent Bergner, 949-260-9900 ext. 33

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Box 228, 2312 Park Avenue

Tustin, California 92782

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