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Golden Gate Light Optimization & AMP Optics Improve Range-Compensation for their LiDAR Lens

Jason Mudge & Adam Phenis | Published on 9/3/2024
Range Compensating LiDAR Lens 2024OSSC Corporate Members Jason Mudge, Golden Gate Light Optimization, & Adam Phenis, AMP Optics, published an SPIE article on August 4, 2024, titled "LiDAR receiving three-element range-compensating lens optical design for automotive autonomy and advanced driver assist."   They presented their work on earlier versions of the lens at the Oct 12, 2022, OSSC meetings held at MKS Instruments.  The paper shows the progress they have made since the meeting. - Robert Cartland

A key sensor in the automotive stride for autonomy as well as improvement in advanced driver assist is the depth sensor light detection and ranging (LiDAR). However, one issue with LiDARs in general is the lack of dynamic range. Objects with high reflectivity and near range produce very high signals and low reflectivity far away targets yield a very low signal return. While the target reflectivity is generally not within the LiDAR designer’s control, the signal return as a function of range is when utilizing a range-compensating lens (RCL). This unique receiving lens disrupts the one-over-range-squared attenuation and provides a more constant return over range as initially demonstrated by Mudge [Appl. Opt., 58, 7921-7928, (2019)] using a two-element RCL. In this work, we provide an RCL design for automotive autonomy and/or advanced driver assist using a three-element RCL for improved range compensation over a two-element design while balancing complexity with greater than three elements. Additionally, we employ a more easily manufacturable variant RCL type given the anticipated high manufacturing volume.

Read the full paper.

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