Saturday, September 17, 2022
Join us for a night of Roulette, Craps, and Blackjack, dinner, drinks!

Past Outreach Events
13-15 April 2018
STEM & The Arts Career Showcase
Thanks to everyone who helped!!

The STEM & the Arts Career Showcase is an annual three-day event held at the OC Fair and Event Center that gives students the opportunity to explore career pathways in STEM fields. The program brings together industry professionals, educators, and college representatives that provide students the opportunity to explore their future. The program includes student competitions and displays, industry demonstrations, career exploration exhibits, industry speakers, a job recruitment area, live entertainment, and more! The program reaches over 6,000 targeted students, parents and their families.
Thanks Justin Francis, Bo Wang & Donn Silberman for organizing and volunteering at the event.
Friday - Sunday April 21 - 23, 2017
6th Annual STEM & The Arts Career Showcase
Orange County Fair Grounds
Many Thanks to our Volunteers that helped with the"What is Light?"display
and related Optics Outreach Hands-On demos.
Bo Wang and Donn Silberman led the efforts with Brain Hagerty and his satellite tracking system as a centerpiece.Other volunteers were: Dr. Ottavia Golfetto, Nick Lambert, Gabriel Blanks and Emily Sin. In the exhibit booth next to the OSSC, we had Dr. Brian Monacelli and his Irvine Valley College Laser Technology students.
See photos
Fri 21 AprilSat 22 AprilSun 23 April
Annual Mount Baldy Hike
Members of the OSSC and our sister organization the CVOSA(Ventura OSA) participated in our annual ritual of summiting Old Baldy (Mt. San Antonio 10,064') via the Devil's Backbone trail.
Ambitious hikers took the service road from the Ski Area parking lot to the Top Of The Notch Restaurant. This was a 2.6 mile hike with an eleven hundred foot elevation gain. Others opted to take the ski lift.
TRAIL INFO: For those new to this trail, its a great hike with a full 360 degree view at the top ranging from the Los Angeles basin below you, to the Channel Islands in the Pacific (on a clear day) to the Mojave Desert. It is about 3.5 miles one way with an elevation gain of twenty two hundred feet and is considered strenuous.
Our loose group normally takes about 3 to 4 hours to get to the top and half that to get back to the lodge well before the lifts close for the day. This is a casual hike, everyone moves at their own pace. Bring lunch, plenty of water, sun block, hat, comfortable shoes, possibly a windbreaker - it can be chilly at the top.
Fred Houston
Sunday, 26 June 2016
2016 Fred Hansen
Memorial Golf Tournament
Extremely NON-competitive
Extraordinarily Enjoyable
15 to 17 April 2016
Vital Link invites middle school, high school and college students to attend the 2016 STEM & the Arts Career Showcase, a collaboration of corporate, education, and non-profit sponsors and exhibitors coming together to create an engaging and interactive career exploration experience emphasizing careers in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), and the arts.
OC Fair and Event Center
88 Fair Drive
Costa Mesa, CA
Sponsored by the OSSC
30 January 2016
IVC Hart Gymnasium
Demonstrations & Exhibits: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
The OSSC / OISC joined with IVC Photonics Program
24 October 2015
The OSSC, OISC, IVC Photonics and UCI Photonics once again participated at this event with many optics, OpTricks and OptoBotics Hands-On displays, presentations and activities for the attendees.
10 October 2015
University of Southern California hosted a free public event “Lasers 4 Ladies” Day as part of the global
International Year of Light celebration. The event focused on showing and demonstrating - not just telling - why we love optics and photonics to middle and high school girls (5th - 12th grade). Hands-on activities on virtual reality, lasers, solar cells and optical fiber were provided by USC students and faculty as well as visitors from Southern California technology companies and museums.
This event was sponsored and organized by the University of Southern California.
USC Lasers4Ladies Event Featured on
Photonics Media's Light Matters Webcast
OSSC Corporate Member Photonics Media features the recent Lasers 4 Ladies event in their December Light Matters webcast. The event was organized by USC Professor Andrea Armani and held in October at USC. OSSC Vice President Ken Bates, member Rochelle Uhlenkott and OSSC friend Anna Wang supported the event with hands-on optics demos from Newport Corporation.
Light Matters is a six-minute long, monthly webcast featuring optics and photonics news. This month's show also features flat, dime-size, cameras, a consumer grade multispectral imager, and advances in solar cells...
View the webcast.
16 May 2015
Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM
The OSSC & OISC will be participating in another event!!
Victoriano Elementary School
25650 Los Cabos Dr
Moreno Valley, CA 92551
Many Thanks to
Bo Wang for volunteering at this event.
9 May 2015
The OSSC & OISC organized a booth
where guests learned.... "What is Light?"
Special thanks to Bo Wang for organizing and volunteering and Peter Jeffery, a new OSSC member, who also volunteered.
4 & 5 May 2015
Presented by Photonics @ UCI
(An OSA & SPIE Student Chapter)
Attendees shared in the wonders of light in everyday life, art, science & industry at the two-day symposium featuring professional presentations, discussion & hands-on demos. The OSSC lent it's website to manage registration and activity participation.
April 24, 25 & 26, 2015
OISC and others joined
Vital Link of OC and its partners in taking the lead in connecting students to career options in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) and Arts related professions. The program brought together student work, industry demonstrations and exhibits, college connections, and nonprofit volunteer opportunities to use their skills today to build a resume.
88 Fair Drive
Costa Mesa, California 92626
18 April 2015
Family Day at the BEALL
11:00am - 4:00pm
Families and children of all ages were invited to enjoy FREE, hands-on art and science activities at UC Irvine’s Family Day at the Beall. The event offered a “kid-friendly” introduction to new media art relating to the Beall Center’s current exhibit, as well as presentations, hands-on activities, and more.
OSSC, OISC, UC Irvine Photonics Society and others had demonstrations and presentations at this event.
21 March 2015
San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering EXPO Day
The Optics Institute of Southern California (OISC) joined OSSC and the UC Irvine Photonics Society to share the word of optics & photonics with hundreds of people.
14 February 2015
Monrovia High School Math Science EXPO
OSSC members and friends spent a bit of Valentine’s Day at Monrovia High School sharing their love of optics and photonics with High School Students, their family members, and friends. The OSSC was one of over a dozen companies and organizations sponsoring demonstration tables. Other participants included: NASA's Deep Space Network, Planetary Society, First LEGO League, and LA Astronomical Society.
24 January 2015
January 24, 9 am to 2 pm
The OSSC & OISC participated
once again in this annual STEM education outreach event.
Many family and friends joined in the fun.
Special thanks to our volunteers:
Brian Monacelli, Bo Wang, Denise Ullery,
Edwin Lai, Donn Silberman, Scott Rowe
Anthony Reyes, Brian Sajor, Thesalie Dumlao,
Vivian Dong, Betty Hu, Maria Sam, Valerie Luong
21 October 2014
Photonics for a Better World
DAY OF PHOTONICS is an annual event that promotes “photonics” towards the general public. Companies, research organizations, and organizations involved in photonics will reach out to their communities to raise awareness about what is photonics and why it is important, and promote the role of their organization in the photonics ecosystem and value chain.
6 November 2014
OSSC Fellow Speaks at UC Irvine Photonics Club
Fundamentals and recent advances in micro and nanopositioning for fast photonic process automation
Sr. Applications Engineer
18 October 2014
Family Day at Beall
Children of all ages enjoyed free, hands-on art and science activities at UC Irvine’s Family Day at the Beall. Members of the OSSC, OISC, and UCI (OSA/SPIE Student Chapter) volunteered.