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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics

HomeEducational Materials

Educational Materials

The Optical Society of Southern California organizes and supports numerous Educational and Outreach Activities in Southern California and beyond.  We have collected some helpful resources below.  If you would like to get involved or contribute educational materials please contact us.
Left: Dr. Brian Monacelli teaches students about the optics of the eye.      Right: Students use Fish Bowl optics to learn about the eye.

Educational Presentations


OSSC member Patricia Bath and supporter Steve Wong created iLASER, a Science APP for Elementary School students.  Versions for iPHONE or iPAD are available.

OpTricks & OptoBotics by Donn Silberman 

MacArthur Middle School Family Night.
Left: Students make telescopes on an Optics Bench.               Right: Students use the Teen Optics Bench at an after
                                                                                    school program with Think Together.


Other Educational Resources

Corporate Address: Box 228, 2312 Park Avenue

Tustin, California 92782

The Optical Society of Southern California is a non-profit 501(C)3 tax exempt corporation.

We do not endorse candidates for public office or contribute to political candidates or campaigns.