Wednesday 13 May
On-Line Meeting only:
Multiphoton Imaging of Human Skin
Abstract: Multiphoton imaging of human skin provides access to morphological information with molecular contrast obtained in a noninvasive manner. Our group at Beckman Laser Institute pioneered the clinical skin imaging with multiphoton microscopy. This talk will present the latest developments on the new generation multiphoton microscopy imaging platform for efficient integration into clinical setting.
Recent advancements in clinical multiphoton microscopy (MPM) have demonstrated great promise toward imaging various skin conditions, particularly for skin cancers (melanoma and basal and squamous cell carcinoma) and pigmentary skin disorders for noninvasive diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Current clinical MPM systems offer great insights into the information content available from in vivo human skin and validate the usefulness of this approach for the clinical application. However, it is critical for the successful clinical translation to be able to image rapidly, macroscopic tissue areas with microscopic resolution in order to avoid false negative diagnosis.
In this contribution I present a technological advancement that allows imaging of large areas of skin tissue (up to 1 cm2) in minutes with sub-micron resolution. With a convolutional neural network trained on hundreds human skin images that allows for content aware image restoration and denoising we achieve rapid image acquisition while maintaining the image contrast. In this talk I am going to demonstrate ex vivo imaging examples of surgically resected thick specimens and highlight how the rare morphological features like cellular atypia and presence of scarce pagetoid melanocytes can be captured with a large field of view. I will aslo present strategies for automated quantification to guide the operator to suspicious regions of interested for performing the diagnosis.
This advancement opens up opportunities for fast intraoperative and clinical application of multiphoton imaging for margin assessment, early diagnosis of melanoma and treatment monitoring.
About our Speaker: Dr. Alexander Fast received his PhD from the lab of Dr. Eric Potma at UC Irvine in 2017 where he developed new surface enhanced nonlinear optical imaging modalities with chemical contrast for live cell membrane imaging. After his PhD, he worked with Dr. Conor Evans at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine developing ultrafast nonlinear optical imaging technology for noninvasively investigating pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of topical drugs in human skin in vivo. Currently he is a T32 fellow at Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic in the Dr. Mihaela Balu’s Nonlinear Optical Microscopy lab working on clinical translation of large field of view rapid multiphoton microscopy into the clinic for early melanoma diagnosis and treatment monitoring.
OSSC Member Business: 6:00pm
We will review our OSSC Annual Elections Nominating Committee results for next year's Board,
ask for more nominations and close the nominations
Dinner: On your own
Presentation: 6:30pm
Limit may be 150 people
Please register by 12 May
No fee for this on-line webinar