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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics

Date: 8/13/2022
Subject: OSSC Education & Outreach eNewsletter - August 2022
From: Donn M Silberman

Newsletter Volume 27, Number 1       August 2022
In This Issue:
  1. From the Outreach Chair
  2. Professional Education - UCI & PCC
  3. SPIE Optics Education and Outreach VII
  4. Student OSA & SPIE Chapters - updated
  5. Vital Link - An OSSC Outreach Partner
  6. The OSSC Outreach Committee
From the Outreach Chair:
Dear OSSC Members and Friends,


Several years have passed since I wrote an eNewsletter for the OSSC, and this missive (and subsequent issues) will focus on the OSSC Education & Outreach activities.  Our new president, John Nunn, has invited me to serve as the OSSC Outreach Chair, which I am happy to do as it has been my passion for many years.  Now that I have the good fortune to be retired, I can spend more time helping those who aim to help others; particularly the next generation of optics (and related technologies) professionals.   
In these OSSC Education & Outreach eNewsletters, we will have information about our formal education opportunities in local colleges and universities; and when possible, include K-12 as well.  We will seek to help the Optica / SPIE Student Chapters at colleges & universities by providing speakers, inviting their members to our meetings, with sponsorship when possible and connecting their members with local job opportunities, especially with OSSC Corporate Members.
Information about optics education & outreach activities happening around the country and the world will also be shared, as it may be valuable for us to use locally.  And we will highlight our partnerships with other local non-profits that share our passions for technical outreach between students, their communities and local businesses.  
We are currently seeking OSSC Members who would like to volunteer on the Outreach Committee, to help come up with and implement new education and outreach ideas.  
The above are detailed a bit more in the sections below.  Thank you for taking the time to read this eNewsletter and if possible, find some time to participate when the opportunity meets your availability.

Best Regards,

Donn Silberman

Fall 2022 courses begin in Mid-September:

Go to the links above to learn more about the courses and programs.
15% discount for OSSC Members on courses
Required for a Certificate.
with confirmed OSSC Membership
to receive discount code.


A new PCC LaserTech student cohort begins this Fall 2022 semester! Students completing the program in Laser Technology will learn the scientific principles of optics, fiber-optics, and lasers. Laser and Photonics Technology instructors lead hands-on, laboratory-driven classes, utilizing state-of-the-art industrial equipment, based on the industry-guided photonics curricula written by industry professionals. In addition to laboratory skills, students are offered one-on-one support and career advice, including résumé and LinkedIn profile building.
Course starts Aug. 29 and ends Dec. 18

Quantum for High School & College Students

Recently, I (Donn Silberman) developed a new presentation, ‘Quantum for High School and College Students’13 (and associated webpage) and gave it to two groups of engineering (3rd and 4th year) students, prior to the end of their academic year at the Samueli Academy14, a Public Charter (High) School in Santa Ana, California.  The host engineering instructor15, subsequently asked the students to complete an on-line survey of their impressions of the presentation and the results are available16.  In general, the presentation was very well received.


During the presentation, a ‘call to action’ was provided to the students and the list of things they can do includes, ‘join or start a club’.  Directly after the presentation, two 3rd year students contacted me to request assistance in starting a quantum school club.  This sparked a new thread to a discussion I have been having with a professor17 at a local university who is the Co-Director of their Institute for Quantum Studies.  (see Quantum Edu & Work | opticsage ( for the references and a completed article on "Quantum Education & Workforce Development")

As of the writing of this article, a plan is being developed to have a live hands-on workshop at the Samueli Academy Friday August 19 (time TBD) with Prof. Mo Hasanovic from Indian Hills State College in Florida, who is leading the EdQuantum program and is coming to Southern California for the SPIE Optics & Photonics conference.


The idea for Samueli Academy started almost 20 years ago with Susan Samueli and Sandi Jackson, two local philanthropists and members of the board of directors of Orangewood Foundation. Susan and Sandi were concerned about the low high school graduation rates among teens in Orange County, including foster care teens served by Orangewood. They decided to explore new educational opportunities for local high school students and research best practices around the country. They rallied like-minded individuals and organizations from philanthropy, business, education and child advocacy to join their efforts. Of her initial interest Susan says, "I think it’s because Sandi and I are both mothers and grandmothers. We know that it’s so important for children to do well in high school and to go on to college. We felt that Orange County needed an academy such as this that would give students the kind of care, attention and education they need to succeed in life."

Session 2: Promoting Optics
22 August 2022 • 10:20 AM - 11:50 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 17B
Session Chair: Brian Monacelli, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States)
Author(s): Donn M. Silberman, OpticsAge - Optics Institute of Southern California (United States)
22 August 2022 • 11:30 AM - 11:50 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 17B
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This paper describes and provides examples of a presentation created to give to high school and college students to encourage them to consider using quantum science and technologies in their studies and careers. The modifiable presentation can be downloaded from the author’s website, complete with lecture notes and hotlinks to all the references. The presentation can be given by other volunteers including quantum graduate students, professors, and high school teachers. The presentation includes an introduction to quantum science, quantum computers and cybersecurity, many more quantum science applications, education and career pathways that use quantum science and on-line resources.
Session 4: Filling the Skills Gap
22 August 2022 • 3:10 PM - 5:30 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 17B
Session Chair: Donn M. Silberman, OpticsAge (United States)
Author(s): Moamer Hasanovic, Indian River State College (United States); Chrysanthos Panayiotou, LASER-TEC, National Ctr. for Lasers and Fiber Optics Education (United States); Donn Silberman, Optics Institute of Southern California (United States)
22 August 2022 • 4:10 PM - 4:30 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 17B
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Recent advances in quantum research have created a significant mismatch between quantum science and the emerging quantum industry, as there is no sizable trained workforce to support product commercialization. Part of this new workforce will be developed through upskilling of incumbent photonics technicians whose current qualifications present a solid foundation for the new quantum-related competencies. To provide the greatest access to these new skills, the curriculum requirements need to be delivered via flexible distance-learning platforms. In this paper, we describe our efforts to produce an open-access educational curriculum to introduce new quantum-related competencies to an incumbent workforce. A detailed list of the competencies sought by the quantum industry is given followed by the results of a survey through which the proposed competencies were assessed. This project pioneers the introduction of the complex subject of quantum science to advanced technological education. The proposed curriculum is expected to help the US maintain the world lead in quantum technologies. This project is funded by the NSF Advanced Technological Education grant that focuses on the education of technicians for advanced technologies that drive the nation's economy.

This list of OSA Student Chapters in California is current as of Aug. 12, 2022.

The OSSC Board would like one volunteer to reach out one of these OSA / SPIE Student Chapters and become a contact person to that one college or university student chapter and optics community.  Please contact Donn Silberman if you would like to volunteer.
Vital Link of Orange County has been an outreach partner of the OSSC for many years; however, during the past couple years of COVID, they were not able to do in-person programs.  Our Past President, Bo Wang, served as their Board Chairman for several years guiding them through a complete remake of their executive team beginning with the retirement of their president.  Recently they relaunched their website and their programs and the OSSC will once again work with them to provide optics outreach materials for some of their programs. 
Their first program this year is a fund raiser - see the details below.
SEPTEMBER 17, 2022
6 PM TO 10 PM
BOWER’S MUSEUM – 2002 N Main St, Santa Ana, CA 92706

All guests will receive $1,000 playing chips for Roulette, Craps, and Blackjack, dinner, two drink tickets, and FREE parking!

The OSSC Outreach Committee
The OSSC Outreach Committee is seeking members to help us come up with and implement new outreach and educational events and programs.  Typically, one-time events take more time and effort to plan and implement, while repeat events (that happen annually or more frequently) may have more impact on the communities we serve.
Also, providing optics outreach materials to organizations like Vital Link, Scouts, local schools, Optica / SPIE Student Chapters and others may serve more people for an extended time and help more students learn about and choose optics for their education and career paths.
Please consider learning more about our Outreach Committee as we enter our 2022 - 2023 OSSC year.
Contact Donn Silberman at for more details.  The first on-line Zoom meeting will be scheduled and held in September (TBD) once we have a small number of volunteers on board.
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