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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics

Date: 9/12/2022
Subject: OSSC Education & Outreach eNewsletter - September 2022
From: Donn M Silberman

Newsletter Volume 27, Number 2       September 2022
In This Issue:
  1. From the Outreach Chair
  2. Quantum Computing for High School Students (and others)
  3. Professional Education - UCI & PCC
  4. Vital Link - An OSSC Outreach Partner
  5. The OSSC Outreach Committee
From the Outreach Chair:
Dear OSSC Members and Friends,


In this edition of the OSSC Outreach and Education eNewsletter, I want to share with you the news in the first article below.  I learned about Qubit x Qubit a few months ago while I was preparing for the SPIE Conference in San Diego.  That went very well (see the August edition of this eNewsletter for details.)  I was meaning to get back in touch with the people at Qubit x Qubit and only recently made contact again.  The great thing about this is that they are offering this wonderful program, Introduction to Quantum Computing for high school students (and other interested people.)  If you or anyone you know might be interested, please click on the link below and also download the flyer with lots of details.
We are still seeking OSSC Members who would like to volunteer on the Outreach Committee, to help come up with and implement new education and outreach ideas.  
Thank you for taking the time to read this eNewsletter and if possible, find some time to participate when the opportunity meets your availability.

Best Regards,

Donn Silberman

The non-profit, Qubit x Qubit is offering these free courses (under partnership with IBM and others.)  The semester starts Sept. 19, but enrollment can be as late as Sept 25.
Quantum computing will impact industries from healthcare to finance to cybersecurity. We are preparing today's high school students to lead the next STEM revolution.
Through two semesters of weekly lectures, lab sections, and homework assignments, high school students will develop a foundational understanding of quantum computing. Students will learn introductory linear algebra, discover the fascinating secrets of quantum physics, explore quantum protocols and algorithms, and code quantum circuits
on a real quantum computer. Students will learn topics often not taught until graduate school, and the only prerequisite to participate is geometry. We will teach your students the rest!
See details in the attached file / flyer below.
Offer Intro to Quantum Computing
Fall 2022 courses begin in Mid-September:

Go to the links above to learn more about the courses and programs.
15% discount for OSSC Members on courses
Required for a Certificate.
with confirmed OSSC Membership
to receive discount code.


A new PCC LaserTech student cohort begins this Fall 2022 semester! Students completing the program in Laser Technology will learn the scientific principles of optics, fiber-optics, and lasers. Laser and Photonics Technology instructors lead hands-on, laboratory-driven classes, utilizing state-of-the-art industrial equipment, based on the industry-guided photonics curricula written by industry professionals. In addition to laboratory skills, students are offered one-on-one support and career advice, including résumé and LinkedIn profile building.
Course starts Aug. 29 and ends Dec. 18

Vital Link of Orange County has been an outreach partner of the OSSC for many years; however, during the past couple years of COVID, they were not able to do in-person programs.  Our Past President, Bo Wang, served as their Board Chairman for several years guiding them through a complete remake of their executive team beginning with the retirement of their president.  Recently they relaunched their website and their programs and the OSSC will once again work with them to provide optics outreach materials for some of their programs. 
Their first program this year is a fund raiser - see the details below.
SEPTEMBER 17, 2022
6 PM TO 10 PM
BOWER’S MUSEUM – 2002 N Main St, Santa Ana, CA 92706

All guests will receive $1,000 playing chips for Roulette, Craps, and Blackjack, dinner, two drink tickets, and FREE parking!

The OSSC Outreach Committee
The OSSC Outreach Committee is seeking members to help us come up with and implement new outreach and educational events and programs.  Typically, one-time events take more time and effort to plan and implement, while repeat events (that happen annually or more frequently) may have more impact on the communities we serve.
Also, providing optics outreach materials to organizations like Vital Link, Scouts, local schools, Optica / SPIE Student Chapters and others may serve more people for an extended time and help more students learn about and choose optics for their education and career paths.
Please consider learning more about our Outreach Committee as we enter our 2022 - 2023 OSSC year.
Contact Donn Silberman at for more details.  The first on-line Zoom meeting will be scheduled and held in September (TBD) once we have a small number of volunteers on board.
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Tustin, California 92782

The Optical Society of Southern California is a non-profit 501(C)3 tax exempt corporation.

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