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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics

Date: 12/1/2022
Subject: OSSC Corporate Members eNewsletter - Q4 2022
From: Optical Society of Southern California

Newsletter Volume 27, Number 1       Q4  2022
In This Issue:
  1. From the President
  2. From the Corporate Members Chair
  3. From the Editor 
  4. OSSC Meeting Announcement
  5.  Professional Education
  6.  OSSC Board of Directors - 2022-2023
  7. Website Sponsors & Corporate Members 
  8. Conferences & Topical Meetings
  9. Student OSA & SPIE Chapters - updated
  10. Optics Outreach- Back to Live & In- Person
  11. Welcome New OSSC Members

From the President:
Dear Members and Friends of the OSSC,

The OSSC members who volunteer as the Board of Directors are happy to publish again the OSSC Images Newsletter.  The Images Newsletter has been on hiatus since the start of this decade, which was a challenge like no other to our membership who have been meeting in-person together as both friends and colleagues since 1951.  

The OSSC members came together virtually when we could not meet in person, and we learned how to do this and made mistakes in real-time and broadcasted for all members to help us learn.  We all friends first in the OSSC, so we can look back now and use what we learned to make our meetings smoother and more accessible for everyone.  We now have hybrid in-person and virtual meetings for members and friends who can either meet in-person or meet online for those who are too far away, which is geographically not much of a distance in our local area of nearly twenty million people during the 5p-6p drive time.  

The OSSC volunteers have set ourselves on three goals to bring back to the membership the traditional benefits of being a part of the OSSC.  The first goal is to make our meetings more accessible to all our members and we are doing this by reducing venue costs, reducing drive time via recurring meeting locations, and making all meetings available both to in-person and to online participants.  We are creating recurring meetings in our three chief geographical sections of our region hosted by centers of optical excellence, i.e. our corporate members.  Our three sections are the South Bay which we are looking for a host, Pasadena which we will be trying Pasadena City College, and Orange County which is hosted by MKS Instruments in Irvine.  By scheduling meetings in these recurring locations through the term, the majority of our members can plan to attend in-person meetings within a manageable radius for drive time.

The second goal is to restart primarily Saturday family events which are enjoyable times for our members' families and are outreach to the community to understand better our science and industry.  The third goal is to renew and expand our website, again using what we learned during the challenges of the start of this decade.

Our December meeting brings back the Corporate Member Appreciation Meeting.  We will meet at UCI and we encourage our Corporate Members to present a table during the meeting social hours before and after the technical presentation.  Please visit the OSSC website to register and sign up for a table.  Please also contact our Programs Chair at for any questions.

It is a privilege for me to be able to contribute to our historic organization of our optical community and I invite and questions, comments, and especially any inquires to be more involved in our organization of volunteers.  Please write to   Sincerely,
John Nunn
President 2022-23, Optical Society of Southern California
Associate Editor, Applied Optics
Principle Optical Systems Engineer, MKS Instruments
From the Corporate Members Chair:
Tara Holloway



What do OSSC members have in common?  A passion for learning and appreciation for the value of professional networking, the same qualities that have fueled the OSSC organization since its inception in 1951.  After “on-line” meetings only for the past two years, we’re thrilled to return to monthly live in-person meetings with Live Streaming service allowing remote access for those at a distance.   


Corporate Membership Benefits: 


We encourage you to take advantage of the benefits your corporate membership provides.   


Corporate Member Appreciation Event

  • Wednesday December 14th @ UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education 
  • Free tabletop exhibit space available to the first 10 companies that sign up
  • Great opportunity to recruit interns, future graduates and other new hires.

Contact Donn Silberman to sign up to exhibit, or just sign up during the meeting registration process.


Recruiting: Trying to recruit optical engineering talent? 

  • The OSSC Job Board for the optical community in Southern California can help.  There is no fee and no limit to the number of positions you can post.
  • Email your open positions to Nicholas J Croglio Jr our Jobs Board Coordinator
  • Company Promotion:
  • Promote your latest technology, new products or expanded capabilities in our monthly newsletter.
  • Email your content to   Donn Silberman, our Newsletter Editor for inclusion in an upcoming newsletter
  • Access educational content/material on the OSSC website – all at no charge
  • Stay connected to other optics professionals through the OSSC forum
  • Website Sponsors - promote your company logo on the OSSC Home Page with a direct link to your company website


2022/2023 OSSC Goals: 


Our newly elected president, John Nunn, has established three very succinct goals for the OSSC this term.  All with a single purpose: “give back to our members”   


  1. Improve meeting access for members in Southern California and beyond.  OSSC will rotate meeting location between Orange County, Pasadena, and the South Bay areas. 
  2. Restart educational outreach programs and events.   
  3. Modernize the OSSC website to maximize the value to our individual and corporate members. 




How Can You Help?  


The OSSC is a non-profit, all-volunteer, organization and depends upon members like you, who generously donate their talent and time.   As a corporate member, please consider supporting the OSSC in any of the following ways:


  1. Host a meeting at your facility – South Bay and Pasadena locations needed.
  2. Volunteer to have someone from your company provide a presentation about your company’s cutting-edge optical research or related product development at one of our upcoming monthly meetings.
  3. Collaborate with the OSSC on educational outreach programs and events.
  4. Do you know a skilled web designer that can donate a few hours to help improve our website?   
  5. Make a cash donation of any amount to the OSSC Educational Outreach or General Fund.   



Upcoming Events:


See our Monthly OSSC meetings (topics/locations) on our website at:  Current Meetings - Optical Society of Southern California (

Trade Shows/Technical Conferences.  The OSSC is not currently planning on exhibiting at any trade shows or conferences. 

Please contact Donn Silberman if you would like to see the OSSC be more active at Trade Shows and Conferences.


From the Editor:

Hello OSSC members and fellow readers,

This is a special issue of the OSSC’s Images eNewsletter focused on our Corporate Members and Website Sponsors.  Our December meeting will be an OSSC Corporate Member Appreciation event where we will offer tabletop exhibit space for the first 10 OSSC Corporate Members or Website Sponsors to sign up during the meeting registration process.  You will need to make sure your membership is update and you can renew your membership if it has expired.      


Following the meeting announcements, we have updated information on our local Professional Development highlighting Winter Courses from UC Irvine (UCI) Division of Continuing Education (DCE).  Recently, UCI DCE has updated their OSSC Discount policy to include all courses.  In the past, the discount was only valid for courses required for a certificate. 


From this section of my notes, I want to encourage the many fine early career OSSC members to consider volunteering for some role with the OSSC.  We have many members that have been volunteering for many years and we are all here to help our early career professionals experience the joy and satisfaction of helping to make our society operate and grow.  If you scroll down towards the bottom of this eNewsletter, you will find the listing of the Current Board of Directors (BOD) and OSSC Leaders with some OPEN positions that were not filled this year.  These OPEN positions are a great place to start your volunteering, as it will bring you together with a member that can help you learn. 


Finally, near the end of this newsletter, we have a short note about Optics Outreach.  And please take a look at the new Optica (formerly OSA) website Optics 4 Kids Partnerships and share it with many.  The Quantum for Students has a direct link to my webpage of the same name.  (Thanks Optica !!)  


Hope to see you at an OSSC event soon.


Donn M. Silberman

OSSC Past President & Fellow

Current OSSC Newsletter Editor

OSSC Combined In-Person and Online Event

Dec 14, 2022, Reception 6 pm, Dinner 7 pm, Speaker 8 pm


Tabletop Exhibits for Corporate Member Appreciation


“Frontiers of Laser Driven Advanced Accelerators”

Prof. Franklin Dollar, UC Irvine, Physics & Astronomy Dept.

Location will be at UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education Building


Go to the links above to learn more about the courses and programs.
15% discount for OSSC Members on courses
Required for a Certificate.
with confirmed OSSC Membership
to receive discount code.

Laser Tech Training Program
The first PCC LaserTech student cohort begins this Fall 2021 semester! Students completing the program in Laser Technology will learn the scientific principles of optics, fiber-optics, and lasers. Laser and Photonics Technology instructors lead hands-on, laboratory-driven classes, utilizing state-of-the-art industrial equipment, based on the industry-guided photonics curricula written by industry professionals. In addition to laboratory skills, students are offered one-on-one support and career advice, including résumé and LinkedIn profile building.
Board of Directors
President John Nunn

Vice President Kevin Romero
Secretary Felicitas Hernandez
Treasurer Martin Hagenbuechle
Past President Martin Seilonen
Membership Chair OPEN
Programs Chair Donn Silberman
Arrangements Chair Nicholas J Croglio Jr
Councilor Nicholas J Croglio Jr
Councilor Rick Kunzler
Councilor Harvey Spencer
OSSC Leaders
Communications Chair OPEN
Corporate Memberships Tara Holloway
Fellows Chair Harvey Spencer
Golf Event Chair OPEN
Grants Chair OPEN
Historian OPEN
Jobs Board Coordinator Nicholas J Croglio Jr
Mt. Wilson Coordinator T. Scott Rowe
Newsletter Editor Donn Silberman
Newsletter Assistant OPEN
Outreach Chair Donn Silberman
Program Consultant
Russell Rauch
Student Chapters OPEN
Treasurer's Assistant Alex Small
Website Chair Robert Cartland
Website Content
Richie Nagi


Aerotech Logo    AMPLogo 
Äpre Instruments
Diverse Optics
4D Technology

 Infinite Optics
 Ohara Corporation    OptoSigma
PI Logo (with text)     


Website Sponsors are Corporate Members that make an additional donation to support the OSSC.ORG website.  They enjoy all the benefits of Corporate Membership AND have their company logo and link prominently displayed along the left side of our website.  Website Sponsorship dues are $200 per year.
New Members may select the Website Sponsor option when applying for membership using the link below.
Current Members may select the Website Sponsor option when renewing their membership during the April to June renewal period or at other times by contacting the Membership Chair.
All Website Sponsors may contact the Website Team to add or update their company link or logo or to resolve other website issues.
For general membership questions, please contact the Membership Chair.

Corporate Members benefit the Optical Society of Southern California through their generous donations of time, talent and financial resources.  Corporate Membership dues are $100 per year.  Due to COVID - not all Corporate Members listed here are current on their dues.  We will be sending out reminders in December and hope all our past Corporate Members will renew their membership before the end of December.
AMP Optics
Äpre Instruments
AVS Southern California Chapter
Cambridge Technology
Campbell Engineering
Collins Optronics
Curt Deckert Associates
Diverse Optics
4D Technology
Hadland Imaging
Infinite Optics


Recent Outreach 

OSSC Outreach Chair Donn Silberman, has been reaching out to local high schools in Orange County offering to make presentations about Quantum for High School Students.  This Fall he has been to two schools, The Samueli Academy in Santa Ana and Corona Del Mar High School in Newport Beach.  Both of these came to Donn through our long-time outreach partners at Vital Link.
Donn traveled to Washington, D.C. the week of Nov 28 to present some results of his Quantum Outreach efforts to Quantum World Congress.  A version of his presentation and his slides are available on his website here (Quantum for Volunteers - scroll down to the bottom.).
Donn recently joined the Vital Link Board of Directors and will be able to provide more details for people interested in volunteering for outreach programs that focus on optics, photonics and now quantum too.

SPIE Optics & Photonics
San Diego Convention Center

Optics Education and Outreach VII

Oral Presentation - Donn Silberman

Quantum education and pathways: an open-source modifiable presentation to high school and college students

22 August 2022·11:30 AM - 11:50 AM |


SPIE Optical Engineering Journal
Special Section on Quantum Education

Quantum technician skills and competencies for the emerging Quantum 2.0 industry

Mo Hasanovic; Chrys Panayiotou; Donn Silberman;
Paul Stimers; Celia Merzbacher

OE Vol. 61 Issue 08

KEYWORDS: Quantum computing, Quantum information, Quantum communications, Laser optics, Optical engineering, Fiber lasers, Superposition, Spectroscopy, Spectroscopes, Quantum physics


This list of Optics (and related) Student Chapters in California is current as of Nov. 25, 2022.

The OSSC Board would like one volunteer to reach out one of these OSA / SPIE Student Chapters and become a contact person to that one college or university student chapter and optics community.  Please contact Donn Silberman if you would like to volunteer.

The OSSC Optics Outreach Programs have had a long history of success over many years. 

  Please Check out this new offering from OSA and pass it on to many.     Optics 4 Kids

Spencer E Brady
Andy Devine
Drew Faherty
Nigel J Harris
Vang Her
McGwire Herbert
Dale E Herzog
Raj Kapadia
David Lew
Jon D Longfield

Edward Vargas Cardenas
Ed Yousse
Muhammad Al-Qaisi
Doug Finke
Scott Foes
Neil Nelson
Katelyn E Pang
Tre Willingham
Will Zhou

OSSC welcomes Individual and Corporate
Members who joined (or rejoined) in the last 60 days.

We value your membership
and appreciate your support!

You have received this message from the mailing list of Optical Society of Southern California. If you would prefer not to receive these emails in the future, go to the opt-out page and modify your privacy settings. You can also request to be removed from our database completely.

Corporate Address: Box 228, 2312 Park Avenue

Tustin, California 92782

The Optical Society of Southern California is a non-profit 501(C)3 tax exempt corporation.

We do not endorse candidates for public office or contribute to political candidates or campaigns.