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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics

Date: 1/27/2024
Subject: OSSC eNewsletter - Q1 2024
From: Donn M Silberman

Newsletter Volume 28, Number 2       January / Q1 2024
Best to view this newsletter on your PC or on your smartphone in landscape view.
In This Issue:
  1. From the Editor
  2. Next OSSC Meeting
  3. OSSC  Education & Outreach
  4. Member News
  5. OSSC Board of Directors - 2023-2024
  6. Volunteer to help the OSSC
  7. Website Sponsors & Corporate Members 
  8. Student Optica & SPIE Chapters - updated
  9. Welcome New OSSC Members

 From the Editor:

Hello OSSC members and fellow readers,


Just a short note to say that it is good to be starting the new calendar year.  We had our January meeting in Pasadena at the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church where our guest speaker, Dr. Mehdi Asghari, CEO and Co-Founder of SiLC, told us about "Seeing the world in four dimensions."  Our February meeting will be in Torrance and we will here from Dr. Dr. Jeff Puschell, Chief Engineer, EO/IR Payloads, Northrop Grumman Space Park, about " Hyperspectral coastal water imaging from space."
Thanks go out to all the OSSC members that have submitted articles for this newsletter.  Without submitted articles, there can be no newsletter!!
Just like our motto:  "There is no vision without optics !!"  from Martin Hagenbuechle OSSC Fellow & Past President
These business cards area available to hand out to prospective OSSC Corporate & Individual Members.  I will have stacks of 25 cards to give you if you'd like.
Many OSSC members and friends will be at the SPIE Photonics West conference this week, so if you are going, stop by the booths of our OSSC Corporate Members and say 'Hi'.
Also, the OSSC Board is considering making OSSC merchandise available like polo shirts, coffee mugs etc. 
Please let your voice be heard, how would you like to show your support for the OSSC?

Hope to see you at an OSSC event soon.



Donn M. Silberman

OSSC Past President & Fellow

Current OSSC Secretary Newsletter Editor

Next OSSC Meeting

Wednesday Feb. 21, 2024
OSSC Combined In-P
erson and Online Event

" Hyperspectral coastal water imaging from space."


Dr. Jeff Puschell, Chief Engineer, EO/IR Payloads

Northrop Grumman Space Park


Register Here

Download Flyer 

In-Person Reception 6:00 pm; Dinner 7:00 pm
(No fee to attend presentation only in-person or on-line)

Online Login: 7:15 pm PDT
OSSC Business: 7:30 pm
Presentation: 8:00 pm


Holiday Inn Los Angeles Gateway - Torrance
19800 S. Vermont Ave
Torrance, CA   90502

Education & Outreach

American Center for Optics Manufacturing - AmeriCOM - The Backbone of America’s Precision Optics Industry.
Workforce Development, Supply Chain Stability, Manufacturing Innovation.
AmeriCOM has been designated by the U.S. Department of Defense to make investments that will achieve the mission goal of developing optic manufacturing technologies, testing equipment, and the specialized materials required to support scalable manufacturing. We will look to our nation’s optics industry to help drive and execute a research and development agenda with the goal of achieving sustainable manufacturing operations. In parallel, we will increase the pipeline of skilled optics technicians using a collaborative ecosystem model that fosters collaboration between educational institutions, optics manufacturing companies, and a range of nonprofit and community-based organizations.
The OSSC & OISC are establishing an Advisory Board of Southern California companies to document their interest in supporting an effort to help establish a Precision Optics Manufacturing Technician Training center at a local Community College or other similar training center.  We are currently in discussions with Santa Ana College and looking forward to following up after Photonics Werst.  If you would like to be on the Advisory Board, please contact Donn Silberman.

Newport-Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD) is pleased to present the College & Career Fair on January 31, 2024, 6-8 p.m., at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa. The event is open to all 7-12 grade students and their families.

The College & Career Fair will offer various opportunities to learn about college programs and assistance as well as connect with colleges and universities from throughout the United States and internationally. There will be Career Technical Education (CTE) demonstrations, a NCAA workshop, a FAFSA breakout session and more.

Free continuous bus service from Whittier, Estancia and Rea will be provided. See your School Community Facilitator for service start and end times as well as permission slips.   

To volunteer with the OSSC / OISC exhibit, contact Steven Dang at   or call 714-728-4181

Contact Lisa Snowden at or 714-424-5036. if you want to be an exhibitor in addition to the OSSC / OISC.

Creating “Ecosystems” to Produce the Next Generation of Optics Technicians

31 January 2024 • 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM PST | Moscone Center, Expo Stage, Hall DE (Exhibit Level) 

Optics manufacturing is one of 12 initiatives that are part of the National Imperative for Industrial Skills (NIIS) program of the U.S. Department of Defense. Each initiative is based on an ecosystem model in which manufacturing companies support a training program based at a community college. In this session, we will dive into what this means in terms of the AmeriCOM Optics Ecosystems. All aspects of an optics ecosystem will be explored including how the investments made by optics companies benefit the companies, the training providers, and the industry as a whole.

The session will begin with a trends report that shows successful workforce development models, from those that garner support from Big Tech firms through those that are more local and grassroots and involve small to mid-size companies. Panelists will include representatives from industry who have stepped up their support and from academic administrators and faculty who design the training programs to suit industry needs.

 SPIE Photonics West Special Event Creating “Ecosystems” to Produce the Next Generation of Optics Technicians

Spring 2024 registration now open.
Courses begin in early April.
The above courses are part of Certificate Programs in:
Optical Engineering and Optical Instrument Design

New:  Alternative Digital Credential:
UCI Optical Engineering 10 yrs - Photonics Spectra
from Sept 2019 Photonics Spectra Magazine
Go to the links above to learn more about the courses and programs.
15% discount for OSSC Members on courses
Required for a Certificate.
with confirmed OSSC Membership
to receive discount code.
Contact Donn Silberman to receive the discount code!
Laser Tech Training Program
The next PCC LaserTech courses begin in late February 2024!!! Students completing the program in Laser Technology will learn the scientific principles of optics, fiber-optics, and lasers. Laser and Photonics Technology instructors lead hands-on, laboratory-driven classes, utilizing state-of-the-art industrial equipment, based on the industry-guided photonics curricula written by industry professionals. In addition to laboratory skills, students are offered one-on-one support and career advice, including résumé and LinkedIn profile building.

Special Thanks to Steven Dang who has been helping out with our Outreach Programs through Vital Link.

Member News

Donn Silberman and Scott Rowe had the opportunity to review the papers and collections of Tom Godfrey, OSSC’s past long term historian. Karen, Tom’s widow, was kind to open her home and garage for this “pick”. We knew that if we missed this moment, we could have lost a large portion of the written history of our Society.


Fortunately, much of the material remains for us to scan, keyword, and organize as part of our archive in the cloud.


Steven Dang, Soojin Cha and Bob Cartland, will be helping on this project.  If you would like to help out, please contact Scott Rowe.

Donn will go back to visit with Tom’s wife Karen and pick up these books to donate them to a local school.


The Sacramento area Boy Scouts Golden Empire Council had a huge annual three-day outreach as part of the Youth Fair component of the January 2024 International Sportsmen's Expo. The Expo is held every January in Sacramento at Cal/Expo. The Boy Scout STEM outreach activities included many interactive activities related to optics and photonics. Visitors to the STEM tables were usually children ages 3 to 12, accompanied by their parents. Approximately 120 children visited the STEM tables. This was the third year we had STEM activities.


A new activity this year was the “Send a Morse Code Message Using Plastic Fiber Optic Cable and Light” activity. I asked the children if they would like to create their own internet. The children always answered yes.


I explained how we could send letters and numbers using light (using four different colored LED flashlights), similar to Morse Code. However, instead of using Morse Code electric “dots” and “dashes” we would use flashlight “greens” and “reds”.

We communicated with each other, sending and receiving letters, words, and numbers, which is what the internet does. It doesn’t matter if one is sending 1’s and 0’s (via electricity/lasers), or colored lights (via the plastic fiber optic cable).


To demonstrate Total Internal Reflection I shined a flashlight first into a curved unpainted pvc pipe, then into a curved painted pvc pipe (the interior was painted with a shiny metallic spray paint). The two pipes were side by side, and one could easily see how much more light traveled through the painted pipe.


Boxes of many short pieces of pvc pipe, and many pvc  fittings such as elbows, were provided for children to assemble into a fun and wacky pipeworks. Half of the pipes and fittings were painted, and half were not. A flashlight was pointed at one end, and the children looked at the other end to see if they could see the light. The children discovered the painted pvc ”conducted” the light much better, again demonstrating (or simulating) Total Internal Reflection.


The other STEM activities included looking at all of the hearts next to point sources of lights while looking through Valentine-themed Holiday Specs; making a bracelet with UV color changing beads and colored beads; and assembling laser cut pieces of wood into a box. I had much more to show the children but didn’t have more table space.

More Photos here

Check out this opinion piece by OSSC Treasurer Prof. Alex Small.
The Ugly Reality of Wartime Speech - by Alex Small (

It’s a fact that to support a side in war is to hope that people die. Should college campuses protect such expression?

Should college campuses protect speech that condones wartime death? Image Credit: Baac3nes/Getty Images
Late last year, University of Southern California economics professor John Strauss was barred from campus after telling pro-Palestinian demonstrators on the main quad that he hopes every member of Hamas is killed. Free speech groups have rightly rushed to his defense, and though he’s once again allowed on campus, Strauss remains under investigation, apparently for hate speech and discrimination on the basis of national origin.
Note from the Editor:  This article is politically neutral and does not advocate for a particular political perspective.  It does have some very interesting points that may be helpful. 

Quantum Sound & ESP

What is? & What if?   A short quantum journey for humans

Donn M. Silberman, OSSC & SPIE Fellow

Here is the first paragraph of the article.  Click on the red link below to download the full article.

This article will be updated with additional related information until it is published on the Technolink Association  blog in April.


Over the past few years, I have written articles on quantum topics including computing & cybersecurity [1], education & workforce development [2], and long-term technology trends with an eye towards the quantum future of biology and consciousness [3].  The current article builds on these concepts and posits an idea that maybe there are quantum effects that reach into our macro world dealing with sound and ESP.  By first setting the scene with the ‘What is?’ question, we establish some basic tenants that seem very reasonable; like we as humans exist on this planet that is one of about nine (9) that orbit our Sun, which is an average star in an average galaxy that has maybe 200 billion stars [4].  And then we might agree that there are several hundred billion galaxies in the currently observable universe [5].

Recently, OSSC Secretary & Outreach Chair sat down with Logan Graves for a long form interview for his podcast "Spotlight Report.  Here are the details:
 It was my pleasure to speak with Donn Silberman this week about his career in optics, as well as his work in education and outreach. The conversation was a blast, Donn really exudes enthusiasm and passion for optics and his continued work to expand outreach and education is wonderful to see. I hope you enjoy the discussion!

Board of Directors

President Kevin Romero

Vice President Jack Latchinian
Secretary Donn Silberman
Treasurer Martin Hagenbuechle
Past President John Nunn
Membership Chair Russell Rauch
Programs Chair Nicholas J Croglio Jr
Arrangements Chair
Steven Dang
Councilor McGwire Herbert
Councilor Martin Hagenbuechle
Councilor Harvey Spencer
OSSC Leaders
Communications Chair OPEN
Corporate Memberships OPEN
Fellows Chair Harvey Spencer
Website Chair Robert Cartland  
Jobs Board Coordinator Nicholas J Croglio Jr
Mt. Wilson Coordinator T. Scott Rowe
Outreach Chair Donn Silberman

Secretary's Assistant OPEN
Outreach Assistant OPEN
 Video Committee
 Zoom Committee  OPEN  

The OSSC is a volunteer run organization and always seeks members to volunteer and help on our committees.  They include:
Programs & Arrangements Committee (Finds and secures guest speakers and arranges venues for our meetings and special events)
Awards & Gifts Committee (Identifies awards for members and guests and selects gifts and merchandise for sale) 
Communications Committee (Manages social media accounts)
Fellows Committee (Nominates OSSC members to be elevated to Fellow status)
Membership Committee (Manages and assists individual and corporate members and website sponsors with their membership benefits, renewal and engagement)
Newsletter Committee (Solicit input and articles for the OSSC Images newsletter, edits and distributes the newsletter)
Nominating Committee (Appointed by the OSSC President to prepare a first draft slate of candidates during the Spring for OSSC elections)
Outreach Committee (Discovers education & outreach opportunities for OSSC members, promotes and helps organize the volunteers)
Video Committee (Manages and edits OSSC video recorded presentations and makes them available through the OSSC website)
Website Committee (Manages both the technical back end and the content of the OSSC website - powered by Club Express)
Each committee has a Chair who leads the work and reports to the OSSC Board of Directors during their monthly Board Meetings (on Zoom)
If you would like to volunteer to help run the OSSC, please contact one of the Board members directly.


4D Technology
Aerotech Logo

Microlaser Logo

Website Sponsors are Corporate Members that make an additional donation to support the OSSC.ORG website.  They enjoy all the benefits of Corporate Membership AND have their company logo and link prominently displayed along the left side of our website.  Website Sponsorship dues are $200 per year.
New Members may select the Website Sponsor option when applying for membership using the link below.
Current Members may select the Website Sponsor option when renewing their membership during the April to June renewal period or at other times by contacting the Membership Chair.
All Website Sponsors may contact the Website Team to add or update their company link or logo or to resolve other website issues.
For general membership questions, please contact the Membership Chair.

Corporate Members benefit the Optical Society of Southern California through their generous donations of time, talent and financial resources.  
Corporate Membership dues are $100 per year.  Due to COVID - not all Corporate Members listed here are current on their dues. 
We will be sending out reminders in April and hope all our past Corporate Members will renew their membership before the end of April.
Corporate Membership dues paid in April will carry over until June 2024.

This list of OSA Student Chapters in California is current as of June 1, 2023.

The OSSC Board would like one volunteer to reach out one of these OSA / SPIE Student Chapters and become a contact person to that one college or university student chapter and optics community.  Please contact Donn Silberman if you would like to volunteer.

Mehdi Asghari
Kim Yip Chiok
Lawrence Lin
Kyle A Pannone
David E Stoltzmann

OSSC welcomes Individual and Corporate
Members who joined (or rejoined) in the last 60 days.

We value your membership
and appreciate your support!

You have received this message from the mailing list of Optical Society of Southern California. If you would prefer not to receive these emails in the future, go to the opt-out page and modify your privacy settings. You can also request to be removed from our database completely.

Corporate Address: Box 228, 2312 Park Avenue

Tustin, California 92782

The Optical Society of Southern California is a non-profit 501(C)3 tax exempt corporation.

We do not endorse candidates for public office or contribute to political candidates or campaigns.