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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics

Date: 8/28/2024
Subject: OSSC Newsletter - August 2024
From: Newsletter Editor

Newsletter Volume 29, Number 1
August 2024

From the President

Nickolas Croglio
Welcome Back to our OSSC 2024-2025 Program year.   I am honored to serve as your president a second time.  I look forward to helping complete some unfinished  business as well as the exciting new endeavors that our BOD is pursuing. 

Many of us just attended SPIE last week, and we are only a couple weeks away from our first OSSC Meeting at Cal Poly in September.  We have several other exciting meetings as well as several outreach and corporate member events in the works as we update our website and communications.  There are many exciting opportunities for members to learn new skills while helping our society grow.
Nicholas Croglio
OSSC President 2024-2025

11 September 2024
OSSC Meeting, Awards & Technical Presentation

September 2024 Meeting
OSSC Past President and newly elevated Fellow David Hasenauer will discuss coating the mirrors for the Mount Wilson Observatory's famed 100" Hooker Telescope - the instrument Edwin Hubble used to quantify the expansion of the universe and to determine that the Andromeda Galaxy (then classified a nebula) was external to the Milky Way. Removing the 4 1/2 ton mirror for coating with a layer of reflective aluminum is no easy task. Dave shares his experience with the re-coating project and how groups can arrange viewing parties today.
Alex Small - Lifetime Acheivment
As part of our September meeting, the OSSC will honor OSSC Fellow Prof. Alex Small with an OSSC Lifetime Achievement award in recognition for over a decade of exemplary service and dedication to the Optical Society of Southern California and the greater optics community. Alex helped organize some of our finest events, served the OSSC in several offices including President, and has brought more students into the Society than any member in history. 
The OSSC will also be elevating the following members to Fellow of the Society for their long-time dedication to the OSSC and the Optics Community: Nicholas Croglio, David Hasenauer (tonight’s featured speaker), Brian Monacelli & Russell Rauch.

Reception: 6:00pm      Dinner: 6:45pm

OSSC Business & Awards:  7:15 pm

Presentation: 8:15pm

On-line or In Person

Kellogg West Conference Center

 California State College, Pomona

3801 W. Temple Avenue, Building 76, Pomona, CA 91768


OSSC Elects New Board of Directors

Elected Officers
President: Nicholas Croglio
Vice President: Lisa Belodoff
Secretary: Donn Silberman
Treasurer: Steven Dang
Past President: Kevin Romero
Martin Hagenbuechle
Mark Helmlinger
Jack Latchinian

Appointed Voting Board Members
Arrangements: Cecily Brown
Memberships: Russell Rauch
Programs:  Kenn Bates
OSSC BOD Meeting
The OSSC Leadership Team held their annual summer meeting on July 9 to plan for the new active period beginning in September. We would would love your help! Contact OSSC President Nicholas Croglio to discuss how we can best put your talent, interests, and skills to use.
The team also met on July 31 to brainstorm speakers and events for the 2024-2025 active period. If you have an idea for a speaker, meeting location, or event activity, please contact OSSC Programs Chair Kenn Bates.

On August 15, the Website & Communications Team met to discuss current website and communications improvement projects. If you would like to help please contact OSSC Webmaster Bob Cartland or OSSC Communications Chair Cecily Brown.
BOD Planning Meeting


Outreach Opportunities

The OSSC seeks volunteers for upcoming events being organized by our friends at Vital Link and The Girl Scouts of Orange County. Please contact the Outreach Chair if you are interested.

We would love your help!

More OSSC Outreach Information
Vital Link

New Student Membership Option

Student Membership
The OSSC Board of Directors voted this summer to recognize Student Members as a newest membership type.  Students have been offered meal discounts at our meetings for years.  This summer, the membership type has been clarified and added to our membership database.
Student Members are Individual Members who are currently enrolled in school at least part-time and are not working full-time.
If you qualify as a Student Member, please contact the Membership Chair to have your membership type changed to Student Member.  Please do so before registering for the next meeting, in order to receive the discount price.
Congratulations and thanks to Asad Mahmood, Graduate Student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, for being the first official Student Member of the OSSC!  We hope you can visit Southern California and attend a meeting in-person sometime soon to enjoy the meal discount.
We value your membership and appreciate your support!
Student Members

SPIE Summer Jam

SPIE Summer Jam

Thanks to everyone who helped make the SPIE Summer Night Jam at SPIE Optics + Photonics a resounding success!

Those who attended enjoyed an amazing evening!

We are doubly appreciative to those who sponsored and contributed to the event.  Thanks to you, we raised $7750 - more than enough to cover the cost of the event!


We will continue to accept contributions until August 31:

  • Since we were able to cover the costs of the event, future contribution will be used to...

  • Fund future initiatives aimed at optics education and workforce development.

Learn More!                    Donate Today!

Upcoming Events

Edmund Optics Filters
Edmund Optics to Host Two Educational Events
August, 29, 2024: Webinar titled "Master Optical Filters: Expert Tips for Choosing the Best Filter"
September 17, 2024: Live in-person event in the San Diego titled "Optical Solutions Enabling Precision Manufacturing."

UV-VIS Workshop
UV/VIS/NIR Test and Measurement Workshop Hosted by PerkinElmer & OMT Solutions  
September 10, 2024: Free All-Day Workshop at the Costa Mesa Marriott in Costa Mesa, CA.   

Luminate 2024
Feel the #BoundlessPotential at Luminate Finals 2024 - Sept 26, 2024

Get a close look at innovations pushing the limits in AI, manufacturing, drug development, and other fields. See which startups take home follow-on funding — with a grand prize investment of $1 million!

This year’s event is sponsored by Optica, in person at the Theater at Innovation Square in Rochester, NY, with the option to stream live from anywhere in the world.

Register to join the free event in person or online on Thursday, 9/26.

Professional Education

UCI 10 Years
PCC Laser Tech Program

Website Sponsors

4D Technology
AMP Optics
Apre Instruments
Edmund Optics
Golden Gate Light Optimization
Infinite Optics
Knobbe Martens
Micro Laser Systems
mks Newport
Novanta Photonics
Photon Valley
PI Motion Positioning
Quartus Engineering

Corporate Members

4D Technology


AMP Optics


Äpre Instruments

Bell Collaborative


Diamond USA

Diverse Optics

DKA Design LLC

DRS Daylight Solutions

Edmund Optics

Egorov Scientific

Knobbe Martens

Micro Laser Systems

MKS Instruments

Novanta Photonics

Ohara Corporation

 Omega Optical

 Optical Installations


Welcome New Members

Larry Beaver
Salma Bejaoui
Ricardo A De Luna Lopez
Sepideh Ghaderian
Marc Himel
Anthony LaRosa
Asad Mahmood
Yusi Miao
Irving Paredes
Gokul Raju
Hassan Shirzadi
Kenneth Tiongson
Justin Turner
Carly Wright
We value your membership and appreciate your support!

Corporate Address: Box 228, 2312 Park Avenue

Tustin, California 92782

The Optical Society of Southern California is a non-profit 501(C)3 tax exempt corporation.

We do not endorse candidates for public office or contribute to political candidates or campaigns.