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HomeEventsOSSC April Meeting

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OSSC April Meeting


Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Saint Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church of Pasadena
2215 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA   91107
(626) 449-1523

Event Contact(s)

Donn M Silberman


OSSC Regular Meeting

Registration Info

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Payment in Full In Advance Or At Event
Cancellation Policy:
Please let the Arrangements Chair ( know as soon as possible if you need to cancel.

Payments made in advance will normally be issued a credit that may be applied to future payments (membership or events). Please contact the Treasurer ( if this posses a problem.

About this event

Laser Cooling & Trapping on ISS
Dr. Robert Thompson
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Microgravity offers a wealth of advantages for studies of ultra-cold atomic gases and their applications.  These include the ability to achieve exceptionally low temperatures via expansion into very weak traps, which don’t need to be supported against gravity and the ability to achieve very long interaction times with samples that have been released from traps.  The Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) will be a flexible, multi-user ultra-cold atom facility that will enable the precise study of quantum gases at effective temperatures well below the coldest achievable on Earth.  CAL will launch to the International Space Station in early 2018, giving scientists a unique window into the quantum world.
6pm:  Reception / Social hour
7pm:  Dinner
8pm:  Presentation
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
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Tustin, California 92782

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