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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics



OSSC Vice President (1999-2000)

-Gary R. Noyes-


    Gary Noyes was an OSSC Councilor in 1983-84 and 1984-85, then again in 1996-97.  He was Treasurer in 1997-98 and Vice President in 1998-99.  Because of his planned retirement and move to San Diego County, Gary declined the Presidency, but agreed to stay on as Vice President in 1999-2000.  Since moving, he has attended OSSD meetings.


    Gary Noyes was born in Boston in 1943 and grew up in that area.  His father worked for the Eastman Kodak Stores, so cameras were always a part of growing up.  Gary's interest in photography led him to the University of Rochester for his undergraduate work at the Institute of Optics.  He stayed on to get his MS in Optics in '67.


    By his senior year, Gary had decided he wanted to be a lens designer.  During summers he worked at Itek, Tropel, and Hughes as a lens designer.  When it came down to a full-time job, Gary chose Hughes Aircraft in Culver City.


    Hired in by Hank Frels (influenced by Bob Ginsberg), Gary started working in the Lens Design Section under Marcel Gawartin.  Gary moved up the technical ranks and into line management, always in the Optical Design Department.


    Optics being the relatively small field that it is, Hughes would send Gary back to Rochester every year or two to recruit students to Hughes (especially during the hiring heydays of the early 1980's).  On one of these trips, Gary rekindled an old college flame.  Carol had married someone else and had two young children; then there were problems with the marriage and, ultimately, a divorce.  To make a long story short, Gary married Carol in 1975 and brought his new family to Los Angeles.


    Gary's career at Hughes continued as he moved further up the management ranks to Assoc. Dept. Manager, in charge of all optical design.  Jim Heber was the Optics Lab manager at this point.  As time went on, however, he decided he liked solving technical problems more than people problems and was able to extricate himself from line management and back to senior technical work (especially proposal preparation) as a Sr. Scientist and later to technical management as an IPT Leader.


    Gary has always liked lens design and felt that whenever the time to retire occurred, he would like to continue doing design work as a consultant.  He got the opportunity "to test the waters" in spring of 1994 doing some consulting work for a small company in the San Diego area.  Through word-of-mouth advertising and professional contacts (like the OSSC), Gary found it easy to keep busy, nights and weekends, consulting as an optical designer.


    In early 1997, Raytheon announced it was buying the defense portions of Hughes Aircraft and Texas Instruments.  Gary was eligible for early retirement in the fall of 1998 and decided that 30+ years in aerospace was enough.  Gary retired from Raytheon in December 1998.  This allowed him to concentrate on his consulting business, Gary Noyes Lens Design (


    In early 1999, construction began on a significant remodeling effort on a house Gary and Carol own in a rural area of Encinitas.  They sold their West LA home in January, 2000 and moved 100 miles south to "paradise".  Quite a change from LA, they love it there.  Carol's only complaint, "he spends too much time working".  Gary has "failed" retirement!


Gary Noyes
Gary Noyes Lens Design
1313 Crest Drive
Encinitas, California 92024
Phone or FAX: (760) 632-6335

Box 228, 2312 Park Avenue

Tustin, California 92782

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