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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics



OSSC Councilor (2001-2003)

-Herb Carlbom-


    Herb Carlbom is President of CK Optical Co., Inc., in Redondo Beach, California.  After a start as a cameraman and studying photography at Trade Tech and Art Center, Herb moved into photographic special effects.  He observed that there was a need for a better way to prepare movie title art for Panavision output.  While developing a lens to handle this, he discovered a greater need for the same basic lens by the newspaper industry.  His company produced and sold their first lens in 1968, and a couple of thousand worldwide since.  They have an in-house, long-radius cylinder lab (now for sale as their market has been satisfied).  Herb was introduced to the OSSC by Steven Grijalva about 2 years ago.  Until then he didn't know it existed.  “Now that I've been exposed to all of you at OSSC, I realize what I've missed over the past 30 years.  My strong point in my own business has been sales, and I would like to work helping to promote OSSC.”

Herb Carlbom
CK Optical Company, Inc.
635 Mary Ann Drive
Post Office Box 1067
Redondo Beach, California 90278
(310) 372-7966

Box 228, 2312 Park Avenue

Tustin, California 92782

The Optical Society of Southern California is a non-profit 501(C)3 tax exempt corporation.

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