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Increasing the Knowledge of Optics



OSSC President (2004-2005)

-Neil Nelson-

    Neil Nelson earned his BS in Engineering Physics with an optics option from UC San Diego in 1987. In July '87, he joined Northrop and performed systems engineering on an automated EO test system for laser, infrared and visible sensors. He contributed towards the test system going into production, which disproved everyone’s earlier doubts. Since May '97, he has been at TRW Space and Technology Division working on high energy lasers, imaging spectrometers and space optical communications. His technical interests include optical design, radiometry, optical calibration, and visible and infrared sensitive FPAs. His activities within the OSSC include Arrangements Chair for two years and Programs Chair last year. “I am excited about the many contacts I have made within the OSSC, and I look forward to making my contribution in the following years.”

Neil Nelson
Raytheon Corporation
(310) 662-9022

Box 228, 2312 Park Avenue

Tustin, California 92782

The Optical Society of Southern California is a non-profit 501(C)3 tax exempt corporation.

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