The Optical Alignment Of Large Land-Based Telescopes
Dr Andrew Rakich
Mersenne Optical Consulting & CTO, Kiwistar Optics
Dr. Rakich’s talk will go through the history of large telescope design and alignment, the early development of active and his efforts in developing direct metrology techniques using various types of distance measuring interferometers, including a currently commissioned "laser-truss" system on the Large Binocular telescope.

Dr Andrew Rakich runs his own New Zealand-based optical consultancy company, Mersenne Optical Consulting, and is CTO for Kiwistar Optics, a fabricator of large precision optics and optical systems, primarily for the professional Astronomy market. Throughout his career, Andrew has had lead optical roles at EOS Technologies, the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory, The European Southern Observatory and the Giant Magellan Telescope Observatory (Pasadena, USA). An optical designer by training, and an early amateur telescope making hobbyist, Andrew's technical interests have extended into optical fabrication and the precision alignment of optical systems.

Combined In-Person Meeting & Webinar
6:00 pm: In-Person Reception
7:00 pm: On-line Login & Networking
7:00 pm: Dinner
7:30 pm: OSSC Business
8:00 pm: Technical Presentation
Dinner Fee
Members: $35, Non-Members: $45, Student Members: $10
Late Fees of $10, after 11:59 pm November 8
(No Fee for attending without dinner)
Registration Required
Online Registration until Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Beginning this active period, students must update their membership type to Student Member to receive the meal discount. Student Members are Individual Members who are currently enrolled in school at least part-time and are not working full-time. If you qualify as a Student Member, please email Russell Rauch ( to update your membership type. As long as you contact us before the deadline, you will not be charged the late fee.